Uveitis Treatment in India

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What is Uveitis?

Uveitis refers to the inflammation of the uvea, consisting of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. Together, they form the middle layer of the eye situated between the sclera and the retina. The development of uveitis can be associated with autoimmune disorders, injuries, and infections. This condition is of grave concern as it has the potential to result in permanent vision loss. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment are crucial to prevent the progression of uveitis and mitigate the risk of severe consequences.

The occurrence of uveitis may impact any of the three eye components, depending on the location of inflammation. Uveitis can be categorized into :

  • Panuveitis : It affects all three parts of the uvea.

  • Posterior Uveitis : It affects the rear of the uvea.

  • Intermediate Uveitis : It affects the middle section of the uvea.

  • Acute Anterior Uveitis : It is regarded as the most common form and affects the front chamber of the eye.

Causes of Uveitis

  • Autoimmune disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet’s disease and sarcoidosis.
  • Ocular Tumors.
  • Viral infections or systematic bacterial.
  • Eye injury
  • Inflammatory disorders like ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
  • Leaking of lens proteins from a cataract.
  • Some cancers such as Lymphoma which directly or indirectly affect the eye.
  • Immune-mediated disease

Symptoms of Uveitis

  • Alteration of the color of the iris
  • Eye pain
  • Blurred vision
  • A small pupil
  • Cloudy vision
  • Photophobia (abnormal sensitivity to light)
  • Floaters: An eye debris that makes you see chains of transparent bubbles or tiny rods floating in the field of vision.
  • Headaches
  • Vision problems
  • Eye redness

Diagnosis of Uveitis

Uveitis poses a significant threat to eyesight, underscoring the importance of consulting an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist conducts a thorough examination, scrutinizing the evolving symptoms and signs in the patient. Comprehensive eye testing, including X-rays, is performed, and the overall health of the individual is also assessed.

Treatments of Uveitis

A timely prognosis is crucial for patients with uveitis to facilitate appropriate treatment. Without it, there is a risk of developing conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal edema, and band keratopathy.

Immunosuppressants : This medication is advised in cases where the patient experiences severe symptoms and there is a potential risk of vision loss. It is also deemed necessary when the patient has not shown positive responses to other therapeutic interventions.

Antivirals or Antibiotics Medication : In the case of a bacterial infection diagnosis, antibiotics are prescribed, while antivirals are administered for viral infections. In certain situations, a combination of corticosteroids may also be recommended.

Mydriatic Eye Drops : Mydriatic eye drops, such as cyclopentolate and atropine, are administered to dilate the pupil and promote healing of the eye. This medication not only alleviates eye pain but also prevents the pupil from adhering to the lens.

Corticosteroids : Prednisolone acetate, available in the form of eye drops, injections within the eye, or tablets, is a steroid used to address inflammation. Prior to administering corticosteroids, it is crucial to conduct a Fluorescence Dye test to identify and treat corneal ulcers.

Sarcoidosis Uveitis

Sarcoidosis is a systemic and immunological ailment that affects various organs throughout the body, including the skin, lungs, muscles, spleen, lymph nodes, and more. This condition can manifest in individuals of any gender and age, although it is more frequently observed in elderly and middle-aged women. There are two forms of sarcoidosis: acute and chronic. The acute form is more prevalent in young individuals, while the chronic form is commonly seen in the elderly. Acute sarcoidosis may lead to acute panuveitis, often associated with Herrfordt syndrome and uveoparotid fever.

Cost of Uveitis Treatment

The expense associated with treating Uveitis varies based on the location of inflammation and the specific treatment needed. India stands out as a highly preferred destination for Uveitis treatment, drawing patients from around the globe due to its cost-effective and efficient medical care.

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