Septoplasty Surgery in India

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What is Septoplasty?

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at straightening the shape of the septum, which is the cartilage and bone structure between the two nostrils. The objective is to address deformities and defects in the septal cartilage, which in adults is a combination of both bone and cartilage.

Septal deviations can result from either injury or be present from birth (congenital). While some individuals may not experience symptoms due to a deviated septum, severe deviations can cause significant symptoms that may necessitate surgical intervention. Septoplasty, often performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes, addresses these issues.

Diagnosis for Septoplasty

  • Turbinate Surgery
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Nasal Air Passage Obstruction
  • Tumor Excision
  • Headaches due to Septal Spurs
  • Uncontrolled Nosebleeds
  • Chronic Sinusitis associated with a Deviated Septum
  • Nasal Septal Deformity
  • Polypectomy

Candidates for Septoplasty

  • Individuals experiencing uncontrollable nosebleeds may be candidates for certain medical interventions or procedures to address and manage this condition.
  • Individuals with a bent, deformed, or crooked nasal septum that obstructs the nasal airway may be candidates for corrective procedures such as septoplasty to improve breathing and alleviate associated issues.
  • Candidates seeking to repair a hole in the nasal septum may consider surgical interventions or procedures specifically aimed at addressing and closing the septal perforation.

Septoplasty Procedure

  • The procedure can be carried out under either general or local anesthesia, depending on the specific requirements and preferences of the patient and the surgeon.
  • To facilitate a clear view of the cartilage and bone, the mucous tissue covering is lifted by making an incision inside the nostril. The surgeon then reshapes or removes the deviated portions of the cartilage and bone, ensuring that enough non-deviated cartilage and bone remain to maintain the nose's shape. Following this, the incision is stitched and closed.
  • To minimize the risk of scar tissue formation and facilitate the healing of the septum, surgeons may employ splints or soft plastic sheets, carefully positioning them inside the nose. In certain cases, packing may also be utilized to prevent bleeding.
  • The surgery typically lasts approximately 1-3 hours. The surgeon will inform the patient about the timing for the removal of splints and packing. Patients are discharged once the effects of anesthesia have completely worn off.
  • In some cases, patients undergoing septoplasty surgery may also require turbinate reduction to address issues related to the turbinates, which are structures within the nasal passages.
  • As the entire procedure is performed through the nostrils without any cutting, patients can typically return home on the same day after the surgery.

Benefits of Septoplasty

  • The surgery takes about 45-60 minutes to complete.
  • Inside the nose, incisions are hidden.
  • No overnight stay is required at the hospital.
  • No bruising or swelling after the surgery.


The surgical intervention aims to alleviate intense nasal congestion and can be coupled with Septoplasty. Various strategies are employed during the procedure based on specific circumstances. Ideal candidates for this intervention are individuals experiencing frequent adenoid swelling and nasal inflammation. In cases of a deviated nasal septum, an inferior turbinectomy may prove beneficial. The surgery offers relief from abnormal growths within the nasal passages.

Turbinectomy proves advantageous for individuals grappling with sleep apnea. This surgical approach facilitates a more profound and uninterrupted sleep, allowing patients to wake up feeling refreshed. Additionally, the procedure can effectively reduce issues related to snoring.

Turbinate Reduction

Inside the nasal cavity, there are flexible tissue structures referred to as Turbinates. In cases of severe allergies, these turbinates can enlarge and swell, causing difficulty in nasal breathing. In such instances, turbinectomy surgery is suggested. Turbinate reduction involves reducing the size of these soft tissue structures, and to prevent bleeding, the undersurface is cauterized. The surgeon may also insert soft sponge packings, which can be removed 24 hours post the procedure.

Laser Septoplasty

Laser Septoplasty stands out as the most effective treatment for a deviated nasal septum, addressing both minimal and moderate cases. This relatively new and safe procedure is particularly beneficial for conditions related to sleep apnea, cosmetic disfigurement, and sinusitis. Not everyone requires laser Septoplasty, as some individuals have a normal nasal septum. However, for those experiencing breathing difficulties due to a deviated septum, this procedure can be crucial. The contact points from a septal spur can even contribute to migraine headaches on the side wall of the nose.

This procedure is quick and conducted under general anesthesia alongside other nasal interventions. Laser surgery proves highly efficient, causing minimal bleeding. The comfort of laser Septoplasty extends to the absence of wound infections.

Costs of Septoplasty

Septoplasty in India is offered at a significantly more affordable rate compared to Europe and North America. Indian hospitals prioritize the use of cutting-edge techniques to enhance patient outcomes. The country is home to some of the finest ENT specialists, boasting extensive experience in effectively addressing various ENT issues.

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