Sinus Surgery in India

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What is Sinus Surgery?

The surgery entails the removal of diseased sinus tissue to enhance the natural drainage channels. This is achieved by creating a pathway for draining infected material through the sinus cavities. The endoscopic technique is employed for better visualization, eliminating the need for external incisions. This approach results in less bleeding, discomfort, and pain. The recovery period is also quicker following sinus surgery.


Sinusitis occurs when there is inflammation or infection of the mucous membrane lining the sinus cavities. Swelling arises from infections affecting the mucous membranes, hindering proper drainage of fungi and bacteria. Viral infections are the most common cause of sinusitis. Conditions such as nasal allergies can block nasal passages, leading to sinusitis.

Sinusitis is classified into two types: chronic sinusitis and acute sinusitis. Chronic sinusitis occurs when an individual experiences more than three sinus infections in a year, necessitating antibiotic treatment. Another scenario is when a person has a sinus infection lasting more than eight weeks, and antibiotic treatment proves ineffective.

Types of Sinusitis

Acute Sinusitis : The symptoms of acute sinusitis are temporary and typically last for about thirty days. In comparison to the symptoms of chronic sinusitis, those of acute sinusitis are more painful and severe.

Chronic Sinusitis : In chronic sinusitis, symptoms occur repeatedly or persist for an extended period. Individuals dealing with chronic sinusitis experience severe, recurring attacks that can be both annoying and painful.

How can Sinusitis be diagnosed?

The doctor will assess you for sinusitis through :

  • Take a look in the nose for signs of polyps.
  • Check for signs of inflammation.
  • Tap over a sinus area to find infection.
  • A CT scan of the sinuses may also be employed to aid in the diagnosis of sinusitis and to assess the condition of the sinuses, determining whether surgery would be beneficial.
  • An MRI of the sinuses may be necessary, especially if a tumor or fungal infection is suspected.
  • Using a fiberoptic scope (nasal endoscopy or rhinoscopy) to view the sinuses can also aid in the diagnosis of sinusitis.

Standard X-rays of the sinuses and nasal endoscopy may not be very effective in detecting sinusitis. Other tests for chronic or recurrent sinusitis may include :

  • Allergy testing
  • Blood tests for HIV or other tests for poor immune function.
  • Ciliary function tests
  • Nasal cytology
  • Sweat chloride tests for cystic fibrosis

What is the Treatment for Sinusitis?

The primary goal of sinusitis treatment is to reduce swelling, eliminate infection, facilitate sinus drainage, and ensure the sinuses remain open. This is typically done endoscopically using a fiber optic nasopharyngoscope.

  • When antibiotics and other medications prove ineffective in opening the sinuses, and there is a structural abnormality like nasal polyps obstructing sinus drainage, surgery may be necessary. Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is the standard surgical treatment for sinusitis. This procedure involves the removal of anatomical and pathological obstructions associated with sinusitis.
  • Emergency surgery is almost always necessary in patients who exhibit signs that the infection has spread beyond the nasal sinuses into the bone, brain, or other parts of the skull.
  • Early diagnosis of fungal infections is crucial, and immediate surgical debridement, along with antifungal drugs such as Amphotericin B, is necessary. Stabilizing any underlying health problems is also an important aspect of treatment.
  • In certain cases, a deviated nasal septum (the wall between the nostrils that separates the two nasal passages) can impede sinus drainage, leading to recurrent sinus infections. Septoplasty is the surgical treatment aimed at straightening a deviated septum.

Types of Sinus Surgery

Traditional Surgery : This sinus surgery procedure is performed when there are complications of sinusitis, which may arise from facial bone infection, pus accumulation, or brain abscess. The surgeon creates an opening inside the sinus either through the facial skin or in the mouth.

Endoscopic (Sinoscopy) Surgery : The surgery is performed for severe or challenging-to-treat sinus problems, as well as for the removal of small amounts of bone or nasal polyps that obstruct the sinus opening. The purpose of this surgery is to enhance the airflow from the sinuses and facilitate proper drainage of mucus from the nose. The doctor uses a light endoscope tool to remove materials blocking the sinuses. The surgery can provide relief from :

  • Facial pain and nasal blockages.
  • Can improve the sense of taste and smell.
  • Breathing is improved.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) is the primary approach used today for the surgical treatment of chronic sinusitis. In this minimally invasive technique, sinus air cells and sinus ostia are opened under direct visualization. The goal of this procedure is to restore sinus ventilation and normal function. It can be performed under general or local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, leaving minimal or no scars, and patients can go home from the hospital on the same day. Typically, a full recovery is achieved within about a week.

Balloon Sinuplasty

A recent alternative to Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is balloon sinuplasty. Balloon sinuplasty is a less invasive technique that involves no cutting of tissue or nasal bone. It is a surgical endoscopic procedure used to treat blocked sinuses. A disposable balloon sinus device, attached to a rod, is utilized to treat patients with chronic sinus infections. The device is inserted through the nasal cavity into the sinuses, expanding and remodeling the sinus opening.

Maxillary Sinus Surgery

The maxillary sinuses are located behind the cheekbones, and adults often experience infections in these sinuses. The osteomeatal complex, situated beneath the corners of the eyes, is the area where the maxillary sinuses drain. Blockage occurs when the sinuses fail to drain properly, leading to infection. Maxillary Antrostomy is the procedure used to clear the blocked sinus opening. Uncinectomy is the procedure employed to clear the osteomeatal complex. Both of these procedures are typically performed together.

Nasal Airway Surgery

Nasal surgery is performed to correct abnormal structures within the nasal cavity, which consists of various bones, cartilage, and tissues. The nasal cavity extends from the nostrils to the top of the nose. This surgery aims to restore the function and airflow of a diseased nasal cavity.

Laser Sinus Surgery

Laser sinus surgery is an advanced treatment that provides a clear surgical view of the sinus area and nasal passages. It offers solutions for various conditions, including nasal polyps, loss of smell, congestion, sinus pain, sinus infections, chronic sinus headaches, nasal obstruction, facial pressure, nasal allergies, and deviated septum.

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