Stapedectomy Surgery in India

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What is Hearing Loss?

Reduced sensitivity to normally audible sounds can be indicative of hearing impairment or hearing loss. The issue arises from problems in one or more parts of the ear.

Causes of Deafness

Gradual Increase of Earwax : The accumulation of earwax can obstruct the ear canal, hindering the transmission of sound waves. This blockage may result in conductive hearing loss, which can be corrected by removing the earwax.

Bursting of the Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane Perforation) : The eardrum can burst due to various factors, including frequent poking, which may lead to infections, exposure to loud noises, and sudden changes in pressure. All of these can contribute to the rupture of the eardrum.

Inner Ear Damage : Excessive exposure to loud sounds can harm the nerve cells or hair in the cochlea, responsible for transmitting sound signals to the brain. Damage to these nerve cells disrupts the proper transmission of electric signals, resulting in hearing loss. Individuals may face challenges in distinguishing words against background noises.

Abnormal Bone Growths, Tumors or Ear Infections : Issues in either the outer or middle ear can contribute to hearing loss.

Hearing loss or impairment can be categorized based on the damaged part of the auditory system. The three types are sensorineural hearing loss, mixed hearing loss, and conductive hearing loss.

What is Stapedectomy?

The surgical process involves the removal of the fixed stapes, replaced by a prosthesis. This procedure facilitates the transmission of sound vibrations to the inner fluids of the ear, aiding in hearing. Otosclerosis is the underlying condition that necessitates stapedectomy. This condition can be hereditary or occur without a family history, affecting approximately 2% of the population. Hearing issues typically surface in one's twenties and can progress to hearing loss later in life.

Procedure of Stapedectomy

The surgical procedure involves the removal of the innermost bone among the three in the middle ear (malleus, stapes, and incus). This bone is then replaced with a small plastic tube surrounding a short length of stainless steel wire.

Causes of Stapedectomy

Stapes fixation can occur due to two main causes. The first is the abnormal mineralization of the temporal bone, known as otosclerosis, considered a disease process. The second cause is a congenital malformation of the stapes.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, is a condition where various sounds like roaring, pulsing, clicking, hissing, whooshing, and chirping are perceived when there is no external sound present. This condition can affect one or both ears. While a cure for tinnitus is possible in some medical conditions, otolaryngologists and audiologists are actively exploring methods for its treatment.

Tinnitus Causes

  • Smoking
  • Head Injury
  • Hearing loss
  • Stress
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Excess Drinking of Coffee
  • Meniere Disease
  • Some types of Tumors
  • Medicines or drugs that are toxic to hearing
  • Excess Wax in the Ear
  • Hypertension
  • Anemia

Hearing Loss Treatment

The approach to treatment depends on whether the hearing loss is temporary and reversible or permanent. Permanent hearing loss can be addressed with the use of hearing implants and devices.

The efficacy of Reversible Treatment hinges significantly on its underlying causes :

  • Injury to the head or ear may require surgery.
  • By consuming antibiotics, the middle ear infection can be cured.
  • Acoustic Neuroma and Otosclerosis requires surgery.
  • The problem of autoimmunity can be treated with the help of corticosteroid medicines.

Treatment options for Permanent Hearing Loss may include:

  • Various hearing implant devices are designed to address different types of hearing issues, and one example is the Cochlear implant.
  • Hearing implants assist in amplifying sounds, though they do not correct the underlying hearing issue. Their primary role is to facilitate communication.
  • Additionally, alerting devices, communication aids, and assistive listening devices can be employed as well.

What is Otosclerosis?

The fixation of the stapes bones occurs due to abnormal growth in the small bones of the middle ear. The proper functioning of the ear relies on the unhindered movement of the stapes bones. The process of hearing initiates with sound vibrations entering the ear canal from the outer ear. These vibrations reach the eardrum, causing it to move and transmitting the vibrations to the three small bones—the anvil (incus), stirrup (stapes), and hammer (malleus). Stimulation of the auditory nerve happens when the stapes bone moves, setting the inner ear fluids in motion. The auditory nerve then transfers the sound energy to the brain, facilitating the perception of sound.

Otosclerosis Symptoms

  • The person will start hearing whispers or low-pitched sounds
  • Balance problems
  • Buzzing
  • Hissing in the head or ears (tinnitus)
  • Sensation of ringing
  • Dizziness
  • Gradual hearing loss

Treatment for Otosclerosis

An otolaryngologist may recommend the use of hearing aids to amplify sound reaching the eardrum, particularly if the hearing loss is not severe. Additionally, specialists may suggest Sodium fluoride to retard the progression of the disease. However, for a more effective surgical solution, Stapedectomy is often recommended, as it significantly enhances hearing.

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